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2015 Events


Saturday 6th June

 Chorley Carnival


Sunday 28th June

Burnley Classic Vehicle Show

Towneley Park Burnley


Sunday 30th August

Fylde Food and Farm Festival


Sunday 6th September

Heywood Charities Fete


Saturday 31st October

Paws Spooktacular Sponsored Halloween Walk

Heaton Park Manchester


Saturday 6th June ~ Chorley Carnival


The day was bright and breezy, a pleasant temperature for the dogs, and we had a big crowd for our first show of the year. It went down very well, especially with the children in the audience with many of them coming to stroke the dogs when we were out and about afterwards.


 Our two debut dogs, Pip and Milo, ran the course confidently and were a credit to their handlers. Little Beanie was a favourite as he bounced over the hurdles and Ben did Jill pround as he ran the course, including the see saw, backwards! Puggles was his naughty cheeky self and ended up you know where and all the old hands put in their best performances so it was a good start to the 2015 show season.


The time between  shows was filled by consuming a selection of goodies perchased from the many food stalls and the younger members of the team enjoyed some of the fairground rides.


Not everything went to plan tho'!  Half the team circled the park for half an hour after being directed to follow it round to another entrance which they never found, but they did find each other and went in convoy to persuade the officials to let them in the main gate!

The breeze was quite strong at times and blew the side off the gazebo and eventually blew it over!



Sunday June 28th ~ Burnley Classic Vehicle Show


After a grey start the weather improved and it turned out to be a fine summers day. There was a slight shower at the start of our first show but nothing to worry about and we drew a big crowd. They enjoyed our performance if the positive comments we got afterward were anything to go by. 


We love having visitors to our gazebo and it was nice to welcome a large number of people coming to ask about agility and to stroke the dogs. By the time of the second show it was warm and sunny and again we had a large appreciative andience, all the dogs performed well, special congratulations to Jess and Pip who did the retrieve for the first time in a show and were perfect. A good time was had by all!

Sunday August 30th ~ Fylde Food and Farm Festival


We had a very pleasant day at this new show. The weather was perfect, warm and still and there was a constant stream of people so it was never too crowded but we had good audiences for our shows, probably slightly more for the first one.

As we were booked at short notice several of our handlers couldn't make it and we had a few changes to make but all went well and the stand ins performed admirably. Val gave an excellent commentary despite a few hiccups with the sound system, Pip and Jess performed like old hands in the high low and the retrieve and Beanie took on the roll of naughty dog instead of Puggles to the delight of the crowd.

Time seemed to pass really quickly with only two hours between shows, just right for a look round and a bite to eat, or a bite through your lead to escape in the case of Saffy who refused to get out of the car for a walk round and then changed her mind!

We all had a relaxed and very enjoyable day.

Sunday 6th September ~ Heywood Charities Fete


The weather was glorious, sunny and warm all day bringing in big crowds. The park is a perfect location with space to give the dogs a bit of freedom between shows with a lake to cool off in. It was a good job because we had a long time to wait for our first show and unfortunately, by the time we were on, the acts on the bandstand were in full swing and we had to compete with the music coming from there which made it extremely difficult, especially for the dogs doing distance control!

We had 3 new dogs and handlers at this show, Gary with Jess, Nicola with Bertie and Alix with Neeko and they all did extremely well and seemed to enjoy themselves despite the wait and the noise!

The act on the bandstand was  quieter for our second show which wasn't too long after the first one and there were good crowds for both despite the competition from the other performers.

The audience was very complementary and a lot of people came to say hello and stroke the dogs so overall we had a very successful day.

Saturday 31st October ~ Paws Spooktacular


We're pleased to announce that we raised £157 for the hospice through our have a go agility! We hope you all enjoyed the event! It was a very rewarding way for us to finish our 2015 season!

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